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Professional solutions for compaction technology and asphalt construction.BOMAP Joblink
The app-based assistance system BOMAP Connect allows machines on the construction site to be networked with each other. Compaction progress is then continuously and clearly visualised and documented. At no point do the driver(s) make a pass too many or too few.
To enable further analyses in the context of surface covering compaction control (CCC), the open measurement interface BOMAG Joblink can be used as an option to make the documentation scope on BOMAG machines even more precise.
Because in combination with BOMAG Joblink, BOMAP provides access to a wide range of data relevant to the compaction process: EVIB value, frequency, amplitude, temperature (asphalt roller), travel speed, travel direction.
Regardless of whether it concerns soil compaction or asphalt paving – with BOMAG Joblink, you can now meet any future tender requirements for Surface Covering Dynamic Compaction Control.
Other parameters such as the EVIB value, temperature, frequency and amplitude can be recorded and implemented into the construction site documentation via an interface or very simply via the mobile device's wireless connection.
Even construction machines of other manufacturers can be networked. They transmit their passes. This generates a complete compaction map of the entire construction site.
As soon as the wireless connection is established, BOMAP automatically takes over the machine configuration; (including drum width, linear load and weight). All data appears automatically in the app.
A dashboard serves as a visual aid for the roller driver. The tablet or mobile phone can be freely positioned and all relevant measured values displayed in the field of vision without the driver having to take their eyes completely away from the course.
The data from all networked rollers is shared via a cloud platform and then displayed directly as a colour map. Coloured areas show the current compaction result achieved by the entire machine fleet.
With the quickly comprehensible display of the complex compaction process, every driver can immediately see their current position, which areas have already been compacted and to which degree.